bk (thebriankwon)

Race #1881

View Pit Stop page for race #1881 by thebriankwonGhost race

View profile for bk (thebriankwon)

Official speed 117.99 wpm (36.10 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start March 19, 2021 5:58:49pm UTC
Race Finish March 19, 2021 5:59:25pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 2. sherwoodzd (105.71 wpm)
3. asdf5742 (103.49 wpm)
4. kaszanka12 (99.86 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 137.65
Text #4180477 (Length: 355 characters)

Just whistle while you work, and cheerfully together we can tidy up the place. So hum a merry tune, it won't take long when there's a song to help you set the pace. And as you sweep the room, imagine that the broom is someone that you love and soon you'll find you're dancing to the tune. When hearts are high the time will fly, so whistle while you work.