bruh (erik2405_)

Race #1637

View Pit Stop page for race #1637 by erik2405_Ghost race

View profile for bruh (erik2405_)

Official speed 90.19 wpm (35.66 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start December 7, 2020 2:36:26pm UTC
Race Finish December 7, 2020 2:37:02pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 4)
Opponents 2. ntd_dll (80.92 wpm)
3. grigoar (70.30 wpm)
4. lizard117 (62.68 wpm)
Accuracy 96.0%
Points 69.15
Text #3810454 (Length: 268 characters)

I just finished this fascinating book. By the year 2030, there will be computers that can carry out the same amount of functions as an actual human brain. So theoretically, you could download your thoughts and memories into this computer and live forever as a machine!