n00b (gimape07)

Race #14668

View Pit Stop page for race #14668 by gimape07Ghost race

View profile for n00b (gimape07)

Official speed 87.93 wpm (55.54 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start April 9, 2020 10:24:01pm UTC
Race Finish April 9, 2020 10:24:57pm UTC
Outcome No win (5 of 5)
Opponents 1. plasmacytoiddc (140.98 wpm)
2. bb__ (124.32 wpm)
Accuracy 96.0%
Points 114.31
Text #632 (Length: 407 characters)

Imagine for a moment if we once again knew these few unremarkable things: What it is we're eating. Where it came from. How it found its way to our table. And what, in a true accounting, it really cost. We would no longer need any reminding that however we choose to feed ourselves, we eat by the grace of nature, not industry, and what we're eating is never anything more or less than the body of the world.